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Picture of a field in the background with a baby in the foreground holding two tin cans of the product Fatskn, which is skin cream made from grassfed tallow.

Why do we use grassfed tallow?

Saturated fats make up at least 50% of the composition of our cell membranes - the same as beef tallow.

This means that tallow is more compatible with our cell biology than any plant-based oils and is incredibly effective at improving skin cell health. This cell-level compatibility makes the fat-soluble vitamins and nutrients contained in tallow easily absorbable and bioavailable.

Bioavailability means your body’s ability to get the nutrient into your system so that it can have an effect. Topical application of essential fatty acids has been proven an effective delivery method to the skin and circulatory system. 


Why grassfed and grassfinished tallow?

Data taken from three decades of research has shown that grassfed and grassfinished beef has a better saturated fatty acid lipid profile and also contains higher concentrations of Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, glutathione and Vitamin E (which is not present in grain fed beef). 

  • Vitamin A (retinol): Anti-aging, responsible for maintaining the overall integrity of skin and mucous membranes.
  • Vitamin D: Improves skin cell growth, repair, and metablolism; helps destroy free radicals aka prevent premature aging.
  • Vitamin E: Anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory (counteracts PUFAs). 
  • Vitamin K: Anti-inflammatory, boosts collagen production, reduces dark circles. 
  • Glutathione: An extremely powerful antioxidant that neutralizes cellular and tissue damage caused by various free radicals (free radicals destroy cell membranes resulting in damage to DNA and mitochondria)

Fat-soluble vitamins are some of THE most essential nutrients you can consume and put on your skin. The catch? The are only found in animal products.

Synthetic versions of vitamins A and D fall extremely short of their whole-food form (only found in animal products like meat, fat and raw dairy products) and often cause more harm through imbalances than good. Your body does best with these vitamins when they consume them all together. There is a symbiotic relationship here, they exist together in nature for a reason. 

The same goes for PUFAs and Vitamin E. There is a well-quoted study done by the Weston A. Price Foundation back in 2014, which shows the ratios of fat for both grainfed and grassfed cattle. In the article they talk a lot about the ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6, but personally I don't really care about that kind of information anymore. I'm interested in the highest possible saturated fat, then the monosaturated, and then I want to know how much Vitamin E there is to counteract whatever PUFA there is in the fat.

And the good news is, the Vitamin E content in grassfed tallow is way higher than in grainfed, so you're getting a lot of that extra protective nutrient to cover your bases!

  Grainfed Grassfed
Total Saturated Fat 47.65 50.4
Total Monosaturated Fat 47.9 46.3
Total Polyunsaturated Fat 3.45 1.9

From WAPF Article

While the article doesn't specify, the fact that the saturated fat content is around 50% indicates to me that this is NOT suet tallow, as suet tallow typically has an even higher saturated fat content of around 70-80%.

What is suet tallow?

Suet tallow is specifically the harder fat found in the cavity of the animal, around the kidneys and heart. This fat is much higher in saturated fats and is harder at room temperature. We consider this fat higher quality because we prefer the highest ratio of saturated fats.

Historically this suet fat (along with bone marrow) was also prized by Native Americans and it was not uncommon when animals were plentiful that they would only take the choicest parts, leaving the rest to scavengers. 


Where does FATSKN get its suet tallow?

Our grassfed and grassfinished tallow is locally sourced from a fourth generation Albertan ranch that practices the highest standards of animal care and feeding practices. They are Certified Animal Welfare Approved and Certified Grassfed, both by AGW (A Greener World). 

"At Trail’s End we rotationally-graze our cattle using electric fencing to best manage the grass. Intense grazing followed by periods of rest creates hardy perennial root systems and promotes soil health. As stewards of our land, which is part of a major watershed in southern Alberta, we take pride in upgrading our watering systems to keep our water sources clean and promote dynamic riparian zones.  Our springs are developed to keep the waterways pristine. A mobile, solar-powered watering system allows us to access remote wells and promotes the best use of our dugouts. All of our land thrives without the use of chemical inputs. We do not use any chemical fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides.  Our land and cattle are holistically managed as part of a bigger picture of health for our family, community, and environment."

Since I don't have my own cattle ranch, I feel very lucky to have access to people like Tyler and Rachel of Trails End Beef who truly care about their cattle and the land they steward.  

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