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What does “quantum biology” have to do with skincare and light? (more than we ever imagined)

What does “quantum biology” have to do with skincare and light? (more than we ever imagined)


Quantum mechanics? Subatomic particles? Semiconductors?

This may seem like a conversation best left to researchers in a physics lab, but it's long overdue.

Quantum theory is fundamental to the fabric of life— and our skin!  We can no longer ignore its effect on our health.

Pioneered by brilliant minds like Einstein and Schrodinger, quantum biology reveals how subatomic energy behaves in living systems.  In other words, it’s a zoomed-in look at “the world of the very small,” where waves of electrons, protons, and specifically photons of light impact all of our biological processes.

Our bodies aren’t just mechanical systems, they’re also energetic ones.

Where traditional models view health and skincare strictly through the lens of the mechanical and biochemical, modern quantum research suggests this isn’t the whole picture. For example, when we eat, intestinal contractions and enzymes break down the food, right?  And as we age, the drop in estrogen and progesterone dry up the lipid layer of our skin and slow collagen production, yes?  Both are true.  But quantum biology reveals that the flow of subatomic particles does much more of the heavy lifting in these actions than we originally thought. 

This means that our relationship with light is infinitely more important than the food we eat or the skincare we use— full stop. 

So let’s take a trip further down the rabbit hole to find out how our cells interact with different frequencies of light on a quantum level.  And of course, we'll talk about how you can optimize your skin for healthy light exposure. (No advanced degree required. While utterly fascinating, it’s more intuitive than you’d think.)

Quantum mechanics of light inside the body.


Quantum mechanical processes are happening all around us, every day.  It’s how the sun shines and how plants use photosynthesis.

But where does this phenomenon show up in the human body? What controls the hundreds of thousands of biochemical reactions happening in our cells every second?  

The answer is frequency— light, sound, water, and even electromagnetic fields interact with the electrons and protons in our bodies, triggering a cascade.

Our skin is especially receptive to the frequencies of light.

This massive organ is more than a protective barrier; it’s a dynamic, light-sensitive surface that communicates with the rest of the body on a subatomic level.  

Acting almost as a semiconductor or solar panel, the pigment in our skin retrieves photons to energize countless chemical processes. Everything from vitamin D conversion and mitochondria function to hormone production and enzymatic reactions— it all hinges on light.  

Our skin is proof we were made for a solar environment.


Are you getting enough sun?


That big fireball in the sky contains the complete spectrum of light— ultraviolet, blue, green, near-infrared, and red. It’s all there.


Each color acts as a unique quantum code to activate different neuroendocrine pathways in the body. 



  • Suppress melatonin production to make us feel more awake and alert.
  • Boost cognitive function for better focus during the day.
  • Fight bacteria and speed up skin cell turnover. 


  • Tap on neurotransmitters like serotonin to lower stress and anxiety.
  • Modulate neural networks to reduce pain and decrease drowsiness.
  • Dampen melatonin, but not as much as blue light.
  • Oxygenate cells, reduce redness, and stimulate collagen protein.


  • UVB photons interact with cholesterol in the skin to produce vitamin D. 
  • UVA photons stimulate melanin, collagen, and antioxidant production in the dermis.


  • Trigger rest and repair cycles in the body

  • Rev metabolic function, lower inflammation, and relieve pain.
  • Strengthen skin barrier, improve elasticity, boost antioxidant production, and accelerate healing.

**No wonder red light is strongest at the start of the day and the end. It’s almost as if nature knew we needed to prep the skin for the stronger visible frequencies of midday, and would require repair after exposure. 

Timeline of sunlight frequencies sunrise and sunset versus midday.

Think of sunlight as an essential nutrient in your food. Without it, we suffer.


It’s what our bodies use to tell time and find homeostasis. This is why getting outside and exposing your eyes and skin to the quantum effects of the sun throughout different parts of the day is vital to a regulated circadian rhythm and deep restorative sleep.


And guess what?  When we sleep better, we repair better!  


Got chronic skin issues? Digestive problems? No energy and sluggish metabolism?  Odds are you aren’t prioritizing sunlight and it’s having a domino effect on your quantum health.


How does the body see non-sun blue light?


This might seem obvious, but the glow of your phone is not the same as natural sunlight.


In fact, neurosurgeon and leading expert in quantum health, Dr. Jack Kruse describes man-made blue light as a “human health hazard.”


Unlike the sun, which contains the entire spectrum, artificial light only emits isolated blue photons.  Overdosing on these frequencies is a problem because not only does it increase oxidative stress in our cells, but it deeply confuses the body— especially at night.


Blue light tells your brain it's daytime and shuts down melatonin production, which over time can:


  • throw off circadian cycles
  • spike cortisol levels
  • decrease oxygen availability
  • and inflame the whole system
  • (Note: inflammation is the enemy of energy production.)


    All of these symptoms are a trademark of the “indoor generation.”  That’s us.  


    Most people today spend up to 90% of their time inside.  Let that sink in.  Modern infrastructure makes it possible to work, eat, and play, all without stepping foot outside. Combine this lack of sunlight with bright screens after dark and you have a recipe for circadian chaos. 


    So what’s the solution to blue light toxicity?  Exposure to the rest of the solar spectrum— particularly red and purple frequencies. These colors act as the quantum “antidote” for the effects of blue light. Hence why the sun is so incredibly healing.  But alas, you don’t need a patent for sunlight, so big pharma isn't pushing this paradigm. (doesn’t make it any less true)


    If you want to restore your quantum health, do these two things: 


  • get outside as much as possible (easy-peasy)
  • avoid blue light after sunset  (use candles or incandescent bulbs if you must)

      Darkness at night is just as vital as light during the day.


    What is blue-blocking? Quantum Blue?


    Getting light wrong happens. 


    Whether you’re stuck in an office with fluorescent lighting or need to be on screens late into the night— it’s often the reality of the world we live in. 


    Thankfully there are plenty of tools to mitigate this quantum stress in your environment.


    Easily the most talked about strategy is blue-blocking glasses.


    Blue wavelengths fall somewhere between 400-495 nanometers. The red, orange, or amber tint on blue-blocking lenses is designed to filter light in this range. This prevents the overactivation of melanopsin— the blue light detector in your eyes. So if you have to cook dinner later in the evening or want to watch a movie with your family, it's not the end of the world.


    But what about your skin?

    The same protein that captures light in your eyes is also present throughout your skin. While tinted glasses help filter some of the blue light, they don't block all of it, leaving your skin vulnerable. And of course, this messes with more than just your sleep— excess blue light can cause oxidative stress deep in the dermal layers, rapidly aging the look of your skin.

    This is where methylene blue comes in— the blue blocker for your skin.

    Not only does this ingredient enhance the benefits of red light from the sun, but it also neutralizes the damaging effects of blue light.  Methylene blue magnifies photoabsorption to capture blue light photons before they can reach those deeper levels— protecting your skin on a quantum level.

    It’s one of the many reasons Fatskn Pre-Sun will now go by Quantum Blue.

    This nutrient-dense methylene blue formula outgrew its original name because the current narrative around the sun is far too limited.  Expanding our approach to energy and light beyond sun fear is the only way we can begin to understand its effect on our health.

    Quantum Blue is a solar-powered blend of methylene blue, tallow, jojoba oil, beeswax, and a touch of vanilla oleoresin (for a soft summery scent).  


    Perfect for anyone who:

    • Spends time in the sun
    • Wants to maximize red light therapy
    • Works on a computer screen 
    • Turns lights on after dark

    It’s the ultimate “get your light right” formula to boost mitochondrial function, reduce inflammation, repair cellular damage, increase collagen, slow signs of aging, and most of all— leverage quantum biology.


    We’re just scratching the surface!  To learn more about regulating your circadian rhythm and how you can “eat your sunscreen,” check out our Fatskn Light Guide.


    As always, while we hope to be a no-nonsense resource for you, we encourage you to do your own research to find the healthiest options for you and your family. Don’t forget to explore our entire collection of tallow-based skin care products by clicking the link below.  We hope to see you there!






    1. Kruse, Jack. “HYPOXIA #4: RED LIGHT, BLUE LIGHT, 1…2…3.” Dr. Jack Kruse, 22 Feb. 2020, Accessed 23 Aug. 2024.
    2. ---. “HYPOXIA #15: BLUE LIGHT CAUSES IRREVERSIBLE HYPOXIA in ALL CELLS.” Dr. Jack Kruse, 29 June 2020, Accessed 23 Aug. 2024.
    3. ---. “The Best Podcast I’ve Ever Done to Date.” Dr. Jack Kruse, 18 Dec. 2018, Accessed 23 Aug. 2024.
    4. ---. “THREE ESSENTIAL BIOHACKS (WHY BIOHACKING STARTS with YOUR ENVIRONMENT).” Dr. Jack Kruse, 17 Apr. 2019, Accessed 23 Aug. 2024.
    5. ---. “TIME #7: THE PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT.” Dr. Jack Kruse, 17 Jan. 2016, Accessed 23 Aug. 2024.
    6. ---. “TIME #11 CAN YOU SUPPLEMENT SUNLIGHT?” Dr. Jack Kruse, 11 Mar. 2016, Accessed 23 Aug. 2024.
    7. ---. “TIME #14: BIOHACKING “TIME” with METHYLENE BLUE.” Dr. Jack Kruse, 8 Apr. 2016, Accessed 23 Aug. 2024.
    8. ---. “TIME #22: THE BASICS of HOW CIRCADIAN TIMING TUNES LIFE.” Dr. Jack Kruse, 10 Sept. 2016, Accessed 23 Aug. 2024.
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